Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Nice smallmouth hiding out in "Carp" water.

There's a stream I like in Frederick county that is usually a sure bet for carp.  It's a medium size stream with heavy silt deposits.  The silt is so bad in spots that the thought of anything else but carp living there wouldn't even cross my mind.  I guess the last time I fished it was last year in mid July and it was full of carp, just like the first few times I fished it in June.  and these carp, being that they are in a stream setting with some riffles but mostly runs and pools, feed rather well and will readily take a fly.  Buggers and damsel flies mostly for me.  Okay, so two Saturdays ago I hit the stream in the evening.  I knew the light wouldn't be great to sight fish but I went anyway.  I didn't see the first carp, not a one when in a 30 foot wide pool last year there were probably 50 carp averaging 5 pounds or more.  Okay, never been there in August before.  Oh well.  But, this one pool, the largest in the area with great habitat of a criss crossing fallen tree up against a large boulder with excellent depth, had some decent bass.  From what I could tell they were 10 inch largemouth which I have caught a few in that stream before.  So, I switched to a heavy CK crawfish pattern and lobbed it into the depth.  Sure enough I saw three or four impressive bass instantly come out of the woodwork and chase my fly.  I lost sight of the fish and my fly but saw my fly line twitch so I set the hook.  What happened next surprised the heck out of me.  An enormous smallmouth was hooked up and he had about 4 other friends close to his size following him.  A SMALLMOUTH? In slow, retarded carp water?  Yep.  It took more than a few seconds, maybe minutes to pull him out of all those snags too but somehow I did it.  I think I had on 4 pound tippet, not x anything, just 4 pound mono from a filler spool.  It did the job and I landed one of my better fly rod caught smallies.  And like most small streams, from that moment on all the fish in that pool were educated.  I may have caught a few more bluegill and green sunfish but I could see at least another half dozen bass that wanted nothing to do with my fly again.  Why do they get like that?  But I've seen it time and time again in small streams that the fish that were retards during the first few casts become PHD educated immediately after they watch one of their buddies get yanked from the stream. 

I didn't catch anything else from that pool or a few others I tried either.  So off to the Monocacy afterwards in hopes of finding a hex hatch.  Sure enough, they came out in the evening with a few dinky fish rising from time to time.  Near that magic time just before dark I heard a large truck in the vicinity of where I parked and I was worried I was getting towed. I may have parked a little illegally but had no other choice near a road closed sign. I high tailed it out of there right when I should have been fishing but I did give an honest effort of over an hour and was completely skunked.  Not even a bluegill or chub.  Oh well.  That smally I caught earlier sure made the trip well worth it though. 

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